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Showing posts from April, 2020

Animals on Air! (Video Post)

Animals on Air! By Rachel As the world enters yet another week of quarantine, humanity's spirit dims. Stuck indoors, feeling trapped by not only walls, but the negativity that the world is consumed by. What we relied on to break the tension of live is no longer available due to the stay at home order. But one thing that is still in our reach is television. Whether you enjoy Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, YouTube, or just good old TV, there are many shows and episodes available to take our stress away and give us a good laugh. Personally, one of my favorite TV channels to watch is Animal Planet. This channel have several different shows all relating to animals, whether it's behind the scenes at a zoo, rescuing and rehabilitating animals, or cops busting illegal animal activities. So if you need a new show to binge watch and you are an animal lover like me, here are some Animal Planet shows you may be interested in. ("Animal Planet Logo," Animal Planet. 23

Positivity During the Pandemic (Feature Post)

Penguin Parades By: Rachel As many of you know, there are many changes happening throughout the world. With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, daily life as we know it has become very different. People are stuck at home, trying to occupy themselves with whatever is around the house or busy with school work. Some businesses are changing to online purchases only, while others face the risk of going out of business. Fast food and restaurants are adjusting to drive thru orders only and tripling staff to accommodate. And lets not forget about the brave men and women who work in the health industry, braving the front lines of this all. But while us humans feel like we got the brunt of the blow, we are not the only ones experiencing uncertainty. ("Coronavirus Closed Sign." CSA, 16 April 2020.  Due to the risk of spreading this virus, many zoos and aquariums have also shut down, only allowing staff members to be present. While this doesn't seem like

Animal Adventures and Activities Announcements (Embedded Original Media Post)

Animal Adventures and Activities Announcements By: Rachel Some of you may have already noticed this, but new things are happening to Animal Adventures and Activities!  Due to the recommendation by my lovely English teacher (thank you very much Mrs. Dennert), I stumbled across the web program Canva . While I am not sponsored by them, I would highly suggest you check it out if you love designing things digitally, or if you are a stationary lover like me! Making an account is so easy and you can even use your gmail. Once signed in, you automatically get one month free and access to many features for designing. Having said that, some of you may have noticed the new blog banner, which now has the brand new logo! It was not only super easy to create using Canva , but so much fun! To show off other things you can design using Canva, here is an announcement poster  talking about a summer program at the Milwaukee County Zoo. This poster explains a summer camp they offer where high s

Why Wild Animals Should NOT Be Pets (Opinion Post)

Why Wild Animals Should NOT Be Pets By: Rachel People use animals for a lot of different reasons. Some use animals for plowing fields or for providing food for others. After all, food is crucial for survival and civilization. Some people use animals to breed. Humans have bred dogs, cats, cattle, and other livestock for upwards of 15,000 years! But quite possibly the most popular use of animals is as a companion. Children and adults all over the world are making new memories with their trusty side kick-dog, cat, hamster, or even fish! These little (or big) guys light up our lives, and provide us with an escape from reality. I should know, my boyfriend recently got a new kitten and he has already stolen my heart, along with many other family members'. (Everybody say hello to Hans!) One question that is fairly common in elementary school is "if you could have any animal for a pet, what would you choose?" Most kids will say their favorite animal and move on with

5 Animals You Didn't Know Where Endangered (List Post)

5 Animals You Didn't Know Where Endangered By: Rachel Planet Earth is home to many organisms - human, animal, plant, and even bacteria. We are the only planet know to be able to sustain life. But having to share the world between different organisms is proving to be difficult. Humans need natural resources to build, but wildlife need environments to live. For a while, humans didn't realize the significance of their actions, and animal populations started to dwindle, even disappear. It wasn't until 1973 when the United States passed the Endangered Species Act in effect to help with conservation effects. But unfortunately, that hasn't changed much. As of 2018, there are now three times as many endangered species as there were ten years ago. According to the Internationals Union for Conservation of Nature, we are losing animal species at more than 1,000 times the "normal" rate ("Endangered Species", 2018). In an effort to raise awareness of our